How to embrace your region's Indigenous community in your event

As a way for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games to meaningfully include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, they did something no other major sporting event in the world had done: develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy for Indigenous Australians beyond the traditional inclusion of a Welcome to Country in Opening Ceremonies.

The Games’ RAP specifies how to increase opportunities for indigenous Australians through

  • employment and training

  • business development

  • participation in sports and volunteering

  • showcasing Indigenous arts and cultures in the Games

  • building a culturally-capable workforce

  • procurement from Indigenous-owned businesses. 

Welcome to Country at the DestinationQ Event Forum in Toowoomba earlier this year.

Welcome to Country at a DestinationQ Event Forum.

Smaller events and festivals can also create a RAP to drive social change in their own backyards, creating economic opportunities for Indigenous peoples in their communities based on taking small steps together. 

The framework for a RAP is provided by Reconciliation Australia. There are four kinds of RAP that can transition from one stage to the next to recognise Indigenous culture, leverage economic and social opportunities, and leave legacy outcomes:

  • Reflect

  • Innovate

  • Stretch

  • Elevate

How events can include their local Indigenous community:

  • Commit to be inclusive of Indigenous people

  • Use Indigenous-owned businesses (such as printers, farmers, chefs, trainees, sports coaches) or purchase from companies that have Indigenous staff, are social enterprise businesses, or that have their own RAP

  • Employ Indigenous people as professionals, trainees and volunteers

  • Increase Indigenous participation through schools, arts and youth

  • Ask Council to support the capacity of Indigenous businesses with pre-tendering workshops and ‘meet the buyer’ opportunities

How your event can include your local Indigenous community:

  • Start with a vision of inclusion

  • Use existing networks in your community to find out who to talk with

  • Leverage government agencies

  • Be open and transparent in your engagement

  • Manage expectations, recognising it’s not possible to please everyone

  • Be open to change, such as in using different suppliers

Directories to help you find Indigenous-owned businesses

Australia's USP

One of Australia’s unique advantages is Indigenous culture – an advantage of tourism offerings to both international and domestic markets.

Do you have a success story to share of working as or with Aborigines or Torres Strait Islanders in a successful tourism or event partnership?

Image of Aboriginal storytelling from Cully Fest

Image of Aboriginal storytelling from Cully Fest