Agritourism Development Plan

We HELP COUNCILS and tourism organisations IDENTIFY How to leverage the opportunity of agritourism 

In-depth analysis and broad community consultation reveals priority projects that will allow a destination to realise the tourism potential of its agricultural assets. 

Process of Development  

The process of identifying how to best develop a region’s agritourism sector is the same as developing its tourism potential as a whole:


Step 1: Gather and review 

In this phase we 

  • review existing relevant information and reports  

  • audit the destination’s agritourism experiences and other relevant assets

  • optional: visit the destination for an introduction to its agritourism experiences (remote projects save costs and achieve the same outcomes)


Step 2: Engage 

The engagement phase is critical as gaining the buy-in of key stakeholders and the community is fundamental to the successful development and implementation of a strategic plan.  

We use one-to-one meetings and focus group sessions to identify barriers and opportunities, and aspirations for tourism. This is done face to face and via phone and video conferences, making it practical and easy for everyone to be involved.  

Step 3: Analyse and develop 

In this phase we determine the current situation, opportunities and key priority areas for improvement. We 

  • review and analyse findings from our research and consultation  

  • assess the audit through a visitor lens to identify any gaps and opportunities under the four pillars of regional tourism: experiences and events, brand and marketing, visitor services, and industry and community capacity.  

  • confirm the target markets best suited to the destination’s agritourism, and develop visitor profiles  

  • draft a Discussion Paper as a further opportunity to capture feedback from stakeholders and as background for a workshop  

  • conduct a workshop with stakeholders to test and validate findings and to define a common vision and priority action areas to support agritourism development 

Step 4: Strategic plan 

The strategy distils outcomes to reflect the findings, articulate a clear vision and supporting objectives, and recommend priorities to drive growth in agritourism visitation and yield from visitors.

Most importantly, the strategy includes clear activation plans to ensure the strategy can be effectively implemented. 

A draft agritourism development plan is presented to the client, which is finalised following feedback. 


Recent Client Success  

☆ Agritourism development planning

Funded by a grant, Tilma Group developed a plan for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council on how to support growth in agritourism in the region.

The plan focuses on

  • Promotion, support and business development for existing agritourism businesses

  • Support and assistance for farmers to start agritourism businesses

  • Providing appropriate land use zoning and streamlined planning processes

  • Attracting more tourists to make agritourism a profitable and sustainable enterprise.

Council used the strategy to secure a grant to start to implement the plan. Tilma Group is developing an Agritourism Development Program to help farmers develop or grow existing and new agritourism experiences.


Contact Us  

If you are looking for support to grow agritourism in your region, contact Linda Tillman at 0439 192 193 or via